Thursday 21 April 2011


She looked at the clock and groaned. She'd done it again. The bright red letters read 11:45 AM. She'd been good the past few weeks, waking up during the week before 9AM. The alarms were still set, and she murmurer under her breath about how much she hated her alarm clock. She couldn't remember hearing it go off, but was sure it had. Slept in again, at least classes are over. That was her saving grace. Rolling over she kicked off the covers, only to find she'd left the window open once again. Her room was brisk and she walked over to her closet. Her empty, barren, filled with hangers closet. Everything was either dirty or she'd just washed. Nothing was getting hung up anymore. Everything into bags. The for mom's place and the living clothes, the ones she was going to cycle through until she was moved into her mom's house again. Groaning she turned around and looked at her floor, confident there had to be something she'd only worn for a hour or so that had landed on her floor. She laughed out loud at her self, remembering the times where if it touched her skin it meant it was dirty and had to be washed. Now those clothes became morning pre-shower clothes. Bending over she grabbed his blue collared shirt. There were stains on it but she didn't care. It was clean and she only wore it before bed, or before her shower. She wasn't planning on going anywhere or seeing anyone so she threw it over her bare shoulders. Pausing she looked in the mirror, her hair looked ridiculous. Ends standing in every direction, and way more volume in it then anyone should really have in their hair. Sighing she grabbed the nearest headband off the floor, and walked out of her room. Laughing to herself again as she checked her phone. Messages from him, impatient, waiting for her to get up so they could continue talking. Not about anything particular or important, he just liked filling his time sending her messages, it was more entertaining when she responded. "Yeah. Awake babe, hows work?" was all she typed back, it was all she needed to type back. Hitting send she put her phone down and grabbed her book. "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. It was her fifth time trying to get farther then the third page. She hated the book, it was boring and the words didn't come to life for her. Groaning she settled in on the couch and began again.
 She hit the third painful page and stopped, this wasn't working. Her eyes saw the word but didn't process anything it said. Getting up she hit her computer's space bar, and opened up her browser. Going to her search bar she typed 'Audio Heart of Darkness' and went to the first site that showed up. LibroVox. She'd used it before and just hoped she didn't hit a recording with a monotone speaker. It loaded up and it was a perky girl speaking, so she turned around, grabbed her book and flipped to the beginning again. "Okay, lets Paradise Lost this bitch" she said to her apartment. Following along she kept finding how boring the book was, it wasn't her style and she didn't understand how her brother liked it.
As the recording went on she started cleaning up. First the dishes from the dishwasher, then the dishes in the sink. The recording played on and on, the perky voice filling her apartment with the story. Checking her phone she notice Cee was coming over. Dropping off their stuff to move in before she even had moved out. Benefits of moving into a apartment occupied still by someone like family. You could eat for free and move in dates were more of suggestions rather then definitive. Cee called, they were outside wanting help to bring their stuff up. She hung up and found some pants to put on, heading out the door she grabbed her keys, she still hadn't showered. She could smell her faint odour of BO, thankfully nothing bad, just a reminder she should shower. Her feet thudded on the concrete stairs, the air smelt stale. Not a food stale, just ... lifeless. There was no other sound beside her feet hitting the next stair, the swish of her clothes as she moved. It was sort of tranquil, like you were cut of from the rest of the world. The silence was alluring. She stopped just before opening the lobby door. She put on a smile, it was time again to watch as she was slowly shoved out of her apartment.

1 comment:

  1. my moms moving back to live with me too. I cant wait.
